Government: Brazil’s government is a Federal Republic, which is a Federation of States that hold a Republic form of government. It is made up of 26 states. Their government is headed up by an Executive Branch, Judicial Branch, and Executive Branch. The Executive Branch consists of the President who also acts as Chief of State and serves no more than two four-year terms. The President appoints his or her own cabinet. The Judicial Branch includes the Supreme Federal Tribunal who is made up of 11 lifetime members appointed by the President. The Legislative Branch has a Senate with 81 popularly elected members who serve no more than two eight-year terms.
Current Rulers:
President--Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva (acts as President and Chief of State)
Vice President--Jose Alencar Gomes da Silva
Minister-Chief Casa Civil (Chief of Staff)--Dilma Rousseff
Minister of Defense--Nelson Jobim
Minister of Development, Industry, and Trade--Miguel Jorge Filho
Minister of Finance--Guido Mantega
Minister of Foreign Affairs--Celso Amorim
Minister of the Environment--Carlos Minc
Minister of Agriculture, Livestock and Food Supply--Rei
nhold Stephanes
Political Parties: There are 20 political parties represented by Congress in Brazil. The most popular being
- Workers' Party (PT-center-left)
- Democrats (DEM-center-right)
- Brazilian Democratic Movement Party (PMDB-center)
- Brazilian Social Democratic Party (PSDB-center-left)
- Progressive Party (PP-right)
- Brazilian Labor Party (PTB-center-right)
- Party of the Republic (PR-center-right)
- Brazilian Socialist Party (PSB-left)
- Popular Socialist Party (PPS-left)
- Democratic Labor Party (PDT-left)
- Communist Party of Brazil (PCdoB-left)
Suffrage Laws: Voting is mandatory for all literate citizens ages 18-70. Voting is optional for illiterate citizens and for citizens ages 16-17 and over 70.
Judicial Power: Judicial Power is held by the Federal Supreme Court, Superior Court of Justice, and by regional courts for electoral, labour, military, and other matters. All judges in all courts are appointed for lifetime terms. The Federal Supreme Court holds jurisdiction for all of Brazil.
Ideologies of Brazil: Today Brazil is the leading economic power of South America.The emerging economy of Brazil has made it a country to watch for as a major world economic power for the future. Along with Russia, India, and China it is one of the BRIC countries which labels it as one of the fastest growing economies of the world. Although the economy has been on the rise the political future of Brazil is not as certain. The current President won by majority but political party loyalty is weak in Brazil.